Adam Baxter
2024-09-27 05:30:01 UTC
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here but I'm seeing errors I've never seen before.
I'm rebuilding using something along the lines of
sed -i '1s/^/timeout=1\n/' boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i '1s/^/default=0\n/' boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i "s/--- quiet/auto file=\/cdrom\/preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 language=en country=AU locale=en_AU.UTF-8 keymap=us/" boot/grub/grub.cfg
xorriso -indev mini.iso -outdev mini.mod.iso -map boot /boot -map preseed.cfg /preseed.cfg -boot_image any efi_path='/boot/grub/efi.img
So the boot parameters are:
vga=788 auto file=/cdrom/preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 language=en country=AU locale=en_AU.UTF-8 keymap=us
This results in the following error:
The file needed for preconfiguration could not be retreived from file:///cdrom/preseed.cfg. The installation will proceed in non-automated mode
If I change it to file=preseed.cfg I get
The checksum of the file retrieved from <preseed.cfg> fails to match the expected value of "". The file may be corrupt, or the provided checksums may be out of date
Note that says that the checksum is *optional*
The other issue I can see is that if I get into a shell, preseed.cfg is not at /, or /cdrom or /media
I'll try adding it to the initrd as a workaround but I thought remastering the ISO was supposed to be an option, too.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here but I'm seeing errors I've never seen before.
I'm rebuilding using something along the lines of
sed -i '1s/^/timeout=1\n/' boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i '1s/^/default=0\n/' boot/grub/grub.cfg
sed -i "s/--- quiet/auto file=\/cdrom\/preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 language=en country=AU locale=en_AU.UTF-8 keymap=us/" boot/grub/grub.cfg
xorriso -indev mini.iso -outdev mini.mod.iso -map boot /boot -map preseed.cfg /preseed.cfg -boot_image any efi_path='/boot/grub/efi.img
So the boot parameters are:
vga=788 auto file=/cdrom/preseed.cfg DEBCONF_DEBUG=5 language=en country=AU locale=en_AU.UTF-8 keymap=us
This results in the following error:
The file needed for preconfiguration could not be retreived from file:///cdrom/preseed.cfg. The installation will proceed in non-automated mode
If I change it to file=preseed.cfg I get
The checksum of the file retrieved from <preseed.cfg> fails to match the expected value of "". The file may be corrupt, or the provided checksums may be out of date
Note that says that the checksum is *optional*
The other issue I can see is that if I get into a shell, preseed.cfg is not at /, or /cdrom or /media
I'll try adding it to the initrd as a workaround but I thought remastering the ISO was supposed to be an option, too.